Название задачи | | Вкратце | Форум |
C. Cubes |
A square of cubes if one cube is lost |
D. Factorial |
Find K successive digits in N! |
K. Nice Floor |
Lay the square floor with the pieces |
A. Phalanx |
Arrangements of castles on the checkered board |
B. Bitsorting |
The K-th number of newly sorted integers |
E. Lights |
Color of the point, illuminated by lights |
G. Strange Numbers |
The quantity of strange numbers within L to R |
H. Two Captains |
Find the number of arrangements of the sailors |
I. Boundary Troops |
Distribute solders to greatest number of squads |
J. Wedding |
K guests out of N with M pairs of familiars |
F. Parliament |
Split the insulted deputies into few groups |